Stabyhoun and Wetterhoun in the UK
There are currently over 398 Stabyhoun and 11 Wetterhoun living in the UK and below is a list of those which you can arrange to go and visit to see if this really is the breed for you. Simply fill in our Meet a Stabyhoun form (and Wetterhoun) and we will facilitate an introduction. Please...
Miriel and Kobi Litter – September 2023
On 30th September 2023 Miriel gave birth to five puppies, two females and three males. Mum and pups are doing well Miriel NHSB 3193686 is UK born and Kobi (Reitse v. Nij Wybranda) NHSB 3079553 is an import.
Inca and Obi Litter – July 2023
On 28th July 2023 Inca gave birth to four puppies, three females and one males. Mum and pups are doing well Inca (Astra) NHSB 3165415 is UK born and Obi (Douke Max Duchesse de Hedwige) NHSB 3221752 is an import.
Daisy and Zorro Litter – April 2023
On 13th April 2023 Daisy gave birth to nine puppies, five females and four males. Mum and pups are doing well Daisy (Tavy) NHSB 3185552 is UK born and Zorro (Zorro Rakker van Holwerda Sathe) NHSB 3088904 is an import.
Aafke and Lex Litter April 2023 – 1st UK Wetterhoun Litter
On 5th April 2023 Aafke gave birth to 8 puppies, 5 boys and 3 girls. The Dam Aafke NHSB 3186919 is an import from the Netherlands and the Sire Lex lives in the Netherlands. This is the first Wetterhoun litter born in the UK. The puppies will be allocated to the waiting list. If anyone...
Oriel and Apollo Litter March 2023
On 10 March 2023 Oriel gave birth to 2 pups, 1 male and 1 female. Mum and pups are doing well. Both pups will be placed with people on the waiting list. Dam: Oriel NHSB 3096016 – UK Born Apollo DK02452/2017 – Import
Tasja and Aarlo Litter February 2023
On 15th February 2023 Tasja gave birth to five puppies, three females and two males, four of them are black and white and one is brown and white. Mum and pups are doing well Tasja is an import and Aarlo is UK born. Puppies will be placed with applicants from the waiting list.
Genna and Merlin Litter – January 2023
On 23rd January 2023 Genna gave birth to seven puppies, five females and two males. Both Genna and the Sire Merlin are UK born. Dam: Genna (Oriel) – NHSB 3161508 Sire: Merlin (Nevis) – NHSB 3133239 All of the pups will be placed with families from the waiting list.
Dora and Toby Litter December 2022
In 20th December Dora gave birth to nine puppies, five males and four females. Both Dora and the Sire Toby are UK born. Dam: Dora (Oriel) – NHSB 3092026 Sire: Toby (Zegar) – NHSB 3080461 All the pups will be placed to people on the waiting list
IJssel and Lincoln Litter September 2022
On 22 September IJssel gave birth to 7 puppies, 5 males and 2 females. IJssel is an import and Sire Lincoln is UK born. Dam: IJssel Scout v’ t Brabantse Bont – IJssel – NHSB 3161964 Sire: Lincoln – NHSB 3096013
Nessa and Bomke Litter September 2022
On 18th September 2022 Nessa produced 4 puppies, 2 males and 2 female. Sire is Bomke who lives in the Netherlands. Nessa is UK born. Dam: Atari – Nessa – NHSB 3172957 Sire: Bomke – NHSB 2955869
Stabyfest 2022 Results
JUDGE : MARJOLEINE ROOSENDAAL Acer – NHSB 3238936 Overall appearance, Head Structure, Coat, Gait Nice breed type, well develop for age, good proportions Lovely masculine head, well proportioned Nice dark eyes, well shaped Well shaped and well placed ears Lovely strong muzzle, with a tight scissor bite Well rounded ribs, strong back Well angulated, front...
Anya & Milo Litter June 2022
On 1st June 2022, Anya delivered 5 healthy puppies (1 girl and 4 boys). The father is stud dog Milo . Anya is UK born and Milo is an import. All five puppies will be placed with families on the UK Stabyhoun Waiting List. Anya (Sibbel) NHSB 3080466 Milo (Wonder Hunters Milo Stardust) DK01525/2018 ...
Ches & Ollie Litter March 2022
On 26th March 2022, Ches delivered 4 healthy puppies (3 girl and 1 boys). The father is stud dog Ollie . Both Ches and Ollie are UK born. All four puppies have been placed with families on the UK Stabyhoun Waiting List. Ches (Ailsa) NHSB 3133243 Ollie NHSB 3061272
Dieuwke and Bottas Litter – February 2022
On 15th February 2022, Dieuwke delivered 4 healthy puppies (1 girl and 3 boys). The father is stud dog Bottas . Dieuwke is a UK born puppy and Bottas is an Import. All four puppies have been placed with families on the UK Stabyhoun Waiting List. Dieuwke (Toula) NHSB 3161511 Bottas (Syabyworld’s Bottas Zijde Fan...
Tully and Oscar Litter – January 2022
Tully and Oscar Litter – January 2022 On 9th January 2022, Tully delivered 5 healthy puppies (3 girls and 2 boys). The father is stud dog Oscar . Tully is an Import and Oscar is UK born. All Five puppies have been placed with families on the UK Stabyhoun Waiting List. Tully...
Tess and Doug Litter – January 2022
Tess and Doug Litter – January 2022 On 9th January 2022, Tess delivered 6 healthy puppies (3 girls and 3 boys). The father is stud dog Doug . Both Tess and Doug are imports. All six puppies have been placed with families on the UK Stabyhoun Waiting List. Tess (Liefke) DK00946/2017 Doug (Flinn Doug Kwibus...
Whelping Guide
So you are about to embark on a wonderful journey, your bitch is pregnant and you are going to be a first time breeder, below is a guide what to do and be prepared for when the time comes. Firstly let me introduce myself, I grew up on a farm with pigs, goats sheep and...
Training Book List
Book list The Perfect Puppy – Gwen Bailey ISBN 0-600-58581-6 For owners who want to know how to bring their puppy up to be a happy well behaved and friendly adult dog. Dogs Behaving Badly – Gwen Bailey ISBN 0-00-717492-6 Advice for dogs of all ages this is a practical problem solver to transform an...
Video Assessments October 2020
Judge: Marjoleine Rossendaal Tulla (Female) NHSB 3133242 DoB: 15/08/2018 Overall Appearance Very feminine dog, looks younger than age Good front angulation Strong neck Ribs could be sprung better Hind angulation is good Legs a bit long, stands behind pelvis Bone, a bit too much tilt Nice strong legs front and rear, good feet Forechest needs...
Oriel and Kipp Litter 2020
On 15th April 2020, Oriel delivered 5 healthy puppies (3 girls and 2 boys). The father is stud dog Canto Kipp. Oriel is a UK bred dog and Canto Kipp is an import. All five puppies have been placed with families on the UK Stabyhoun Waiting List. Èowyn – Female Arwen – Female Beren –...
In collaboration with our friends in the Netherlands, the UKSA is looking for a small number of families that might be interested in becoming the first in the UK to own and breed from a “Wetterhoun”. The Wetterhoun is, like the Stabyhoun, a very rare Dutch breed, that needs conserving. Please see below for a...
Dora & Ninke Litter 2020
On 11 February 2020, Dora (Orsel) delivered 4 healthy puppies: 2 girls and 2 boys. The father is Stud dog Ninke. Both Dora and Ninke are UK bred dogs. All four puppies will be allocated to families on the UK Stabyhoun Association waiting list. Tamar Meavey Tavy Dart Dora (Orsel) ...
Elsa and Bertie Litter 2019
On 29 November 2019, Elsa (Lune Bijou Duchesse de Hedwige) delivered 10 healthy puppies: 3 girls and 7 boys. The father is Stud dog Bertie (Melle). Both Elsa and Bertie are imported dogs. All ten puppies will be allocated to families on the UK Stabyhoun Association waiting list. Bramley Cecil Forest Hebe Marlow Myrtle Oakley Orick...
Izzy and Boris Litter October 2020
On 6 October 2019, Izzy (Keizerin Sissi v d Eenhoornleijn) delivered 8 healthy puppies: 4 girls and 4 boys. The father is Stud dog Boris. Both Izzy and Boris are imported dogs. All eight puppies will be allocated to families on the UK Stabyhoun Association waiting list. Callypso ♂ Black and White 307g Dion ...
Mieke and Apollo Litter
On 17 September 2019, Mieke (Minke v t Hondsdraf) delivered 4 healthy puppies: 1 girl and 3 boys. The father is Stud dog Apollo. Both Mieke and Apollo are imported dogs. All four puppies will be allocated to families on the UK Stabyhoun Association waiting list. Vigo ♂ Tibo ♂ Mieko ♂ Girl Unnamed ♀ Mieke (NHSB 2938993) Apollo (DK...
Stabyfest 2019 – RESULTS
Photographs By Patty Berkenbosch Napoleon Nice sturdy two year old male. Masculine head with nice broad skull. Strong muzzle which could be a little longer. Good dentition. Nice brown expressive eyes. Ear set a bit high but with good shape of a mason’s trowel. Strong neck. Compact body with good angulations both front and rear. Heavy Chest. Strong bone. Pelvis OK. Strong muscles. Feet could be...
Tess and Bottas Litter August 2019
On 30 August 2019 to Tess (Liefke) delivered seven puppies, 4 females and 3 males. The father Bottas (Stabyworld’s Bottas Zijde Fan Kaije) is an import. All seven puppies have been allocated to people on the waiting list. Dam: Tess – Liefke DK00946/2017 Sire: Bottas – Stabyworld’s Bottas Zijde Fan Kaije DK05262/2017...
Puppy News
The UKSA is proud to announce that we have two bitches who will be having puppies in September. With so many amazing Stabyhoun owners in the UK being willing and keen to breed their lovely dogs, this means we may have had a few matings in the last few weeks, keep an eye on our...
Lara and Mac Puppies
On 9 June 2019 Lara (Skarlún Lara fan’e Sudewyn) delivered her puppies, The father is UK stud dog Mac (Arjen). Lara is an imported dog and Mac was born in the UK. All five puppies have been allocated to families on the UKSA waiting list. Acer ♂ Abbi ♀ Astra ♀ Adora ♀ Ailsa ♀ Dam: Lara -Skarlún Lara fan’e...
UK Population Growth
See how we’ve grown. From just eight Stabyhoun at the end of 2012 to over 180 in the UK today. The UKSA and its members having been working hard breeding and importing, healthy, happy pups to expand the UK’s population of one of the worlds rarest breed dogs.
Lily & Hoover’s Litter 2019
On 4 June 2019, Lily delivered 8 healthy puppies: 5 girls and 3 boys. The father is Stud dog Hoover (Gysbert Jurre v’ t Hollandse Hout). Both Lily and Hoover are imported dogs. All eight puppies will be allocated to families on the UK Stabyhoun Association waiting list. Roscoe ♂ Monty ♂ Magnus...
Elske and Hugo’s Puppies 2019
On 9 April 2019, Elske delivered 9 healthy puppies: 5 girls and 4 boys. The father is UK Stud dog Hugo. Elske is an imported dog and Hugo was born in the UK. All nine puppies have already been allocated to families on the UK Stabyhoun Association waiting list. Marlon ♂ Antonio ♂ Harry...
Grooming the Stabyhoun
Care of the Coat The semi-long coat of the Stabyhoun is self-cleaning. This means that dirt falls off by itself when it is dry; one brush through it to remove the last remnants of sand and dirt and it is clean again. He only rarely gets a bath. Even if he really is very...
Getting a Stabyhoun puppy from Denmark
Getting a puppy from Denmark – are you crazy? By now (2018), several Stabyhoun puppies have made the journey from Denmark to the UK – England and Scotland to be precise. Here, some of those owners share their thoughts on the whole experience… Nicky Michal, owner of Bottas What were your initial thoughts when you...
Stabyfest 2018 – RESULTS
Judge: Angélique Plasman Pictures by: Patty Berkenbosch Fotografie & photographer Christina Søs Savage Puppies Wonder-Hunters Jasmine Stardust DK01529/2018 (Lilly) Nice enthusiastic girl of 8 months. Slightly long in body with a powerful build. Very feminine. Feminine head, a bit narrow but in good proportions. Good eyes and teeth. Ears a bit wide but well set and...
Nuisance Barking and the Stabyhoun
By Helen Withey FBIPDT Barking is one type of communication that dogs use, and it can mean different things depending on the time and the situation. Below are some reasons why your dog might bark. Reasons for barking Territorial barking When a person or an animal comes into an area which your dog considers to...
Steroid Responsive Meningitis
SRMA – Steroid Responsive Meningitis – Arteritis This is a condition that primarily involves a dog’s central nervous system. The central nervous system consists of brain and spinal cord. Meningitis is an inflammation of the covering layer of the central nervous system. The condition affects the arteries in many body system tissues as well. Little...
Blijke & Yoda’s litter 2017
On Sunday 10 September 2017, Blijke delivered 7 healthy puppies: 3 girls and 4 boys. This litter is the first in the UK where both parents have also been born here. AND the first male is the UK’s Stabyhoun number 100 – another milestone. The father is UK stud dog, Heiko (Yoda). All seven puppies have already...
Stabyfest 2017 results
The 2017 Stabyfest was a huge success with dogs born in the UK plus several imported from the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany attending. Below you can read the official assessments by judge, Jettie Alberts. Pictures kindly produced by photographer, Patty Berkenbosch. Skarlún Lara fan’e Sudewyn NHSB 3079732 Charming puppy – lanky but well proportioned. Lovely...
Jess & Herryt’s litter – 6 weeks old
On 6 July 2017, Jess gave birth to a huge litter of nine healthy puppies: 5 fabulous boys and 4 glorious girls. The father is UK stud dog, Marrondales Herryt and below you can see the whole litter at nearly 7 weeks old. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Bode ♂ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dauwe ♂ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Welmer ♂ ...
Stabij South 2017 Show Results
Official Assessments Judge: Diana Striegel, Netherlands Helmer Lovely male, with very nice breed specific looks and good proportions. Handsome head with good proportions and alert expression. Good eyes and ears. Scissor bite with extra P, left upper jaw. Good neck, well developed body with good chest and ribcage. Good top & underline. God angulation, good...
Jess & Herryt’s litter 2017
On 6 July 2017, Jess gave birth to a huge litter of nine healthy puppies: 5 fabulous boys and 4 glorious girls. The father is UK stud dog, Marrondales Herryt. All nine puppies will be sold to families on the UK Stabyhoun Association waiting list. Boede ♂ Deuwe ♂ Welmer ♂ Roelf ♂...
Eksport af en dansk Stabyhoun hvalp til England
Hvis du er blevet spurgt om du er interesseret i at eksportere en af dine fremtidige eller nyligt fødte hvalpe til en familie i England, så er det fordi enten tæven, faren eller begge hunde har en værdi for populationen af hunde derovre. Import og eksport at vigtigt for at vedligeholde og forbedre den genetiske...
Inca & Mac’s puppies 2017
On 30 April 2017, Anna-Wycca fan it Marnewetter gave birth to seven beautiful puppies. The father is English-born Arjen (NHSB 3008700) who is Mac to his family, and who, of course is on our stud list. Here they are at nearly 7 weeks old and getting ready to go to their new families across the...
Dansk Stabyhoun hvalp til Storbritannien: En avlers eksport oplevelse
As we continue to build a genetically diverse population of Stabyhoun in the UK, we want breeders considering exporting this precious cargo to have all the information available to help them decide and enjoy the experience. First-hand accounts of what it is like are much appreciated. The below article is from a breeder who exported...
Stabyhoun puppy waiting list in the UK
Once you have fallen in love with a breed, you want a puppy – now! But the Stabyhoun is a rare breed which has grown in popularity in the UK since its introduction in 2013. This means a growing waiting list for puppies. The UK Stabyhoun Association manages a central waiting list for both UK-born...
Breeding Q&A
In the UK and elsewhere, the Stabyhoun is a much-loved family pet which is owned and often bred by people who have never had a litter before. For those who have committed to help build and sustain the population, UKSA Breeding Advisor, Hannah Woods has put together this piece about the technicalities of mating, and the...
Jelske’s puppies: Week 8
And that’s it – eight weeks have passed and these guys are soon going to their new home. It has been amazing, and now we look forward to seeing how these robust, loving and rather good looking boys and girls get on in their new homes. Inke ♂ Weight: 5900g Pilgrim ♀ Weight: 6100g ...
Jelske & Figo’s 2017 Stabyhoun litter
On 14 January 2017, Gaaske Jelske fan de Moaie Hovingen went into labour. 24 hours later she delivered 4 boys and 3 girls – proving what an amazing, natural mother she is. The father of the puppies is Sandcroft’s Gerben Fraukje of Alger (Figo) – his very first litter! Stay tuned for lots more pictures...
Elke’s Stabyhoun puppies | 7 weeks old
Elke’s puppies are now seven weeks old and they have been through a full assessment by the UKSA. Wonderful to see not only beautiful, healthy puppies but happy, sociable and cuddly personalities too. Not long now before their families learn which puppy will be moving in with them this December. Thank you Hannah Woods from Briarmere...